Alyssa Bardy

Upper Cayuga, Six Nations of the Grand River

Born 1988, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada

Alyssa is a self-taught, natural light photographer and a lover of the land. Born and raised in rural Ontario, Alyssa was raised with a love and appreciation for a lifestyle immersed in the outdoors. Currently residing in Kenhte:ke (Also known as Tyendinaga Territory) with her children and partner, Alyssa is rarely found without her children, binoculars, dogs and camera. Alyssa’s photography captures the stories of motherhood, Indigenous reconnection, nationhood, and our interconnectedness with the land. With a special focus on language revitalization, story-telling, and knowledge sharing, Alyssa uses the lens as a tool for herself and children, her social audience, and future generations to learn and share the brilliance and beauty of both culture and creation.

My 1-year-old baby sits on the floor of the forest, cradled by the land. A pair of handmade, deer skin moccasins are on his feet. The forest floor is dark and earthy, the moccasins are soft and warm. The image tells the story of how the land and our ancestors hold us, and how we are rooted to them. This image was taken in the woods on Big Island, the traditional territory of The Haudenosaunee, Mississauga and Wendake-Nionwentsio. Spring 2021.