Rita Louise Lush

Ihanktonwan Yankton Sioux Tribe

Born 1984, Washington D.C.

I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Fine Art at the University of New Mexico. I am a portrait photographer with an emphasis on style and glamour. My portraits are primarily focused on women and those who identify as women. They are portrayed in a way that is strong and often in harmony with the environment and the seasons. My mother's work with MMIW and the anti-violence movement against Indigenous women has impacted my photography in a powerful way. I believe it is important to associate strength with beauty. I am inspired through my connection with so many powerful Native women who have experienced deep loss, overcome obstacles, and managed to accomplish so much. Portraying women, especially Native women, as a source of strength is my way of honoring my heritage and my own power as an Indigenous woman. Reclaiming our narratives through visual storytelling is a healing practice.

Natasha “Hummingbird” Volkova (@natashav2020) on the West Mesa at dusk as clouds were rolling in. Natasha is Dine and transgender. This photo was taken in Albuquerque, New Mexico.